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If you have a concern or question please send us a message. We speak English and German.

Please describe the problem as detailed as possible. If there's an error message, please name it. We are not sitting in front of your computer and to help you we need to know what you did and what was happening on your screen.

You agree that we use your information to answer your inquiry or contact us. Disclosure to third parties will not take place unless this is justified by applicable data protection regulations or if we are legally obliged to do so. You may revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future. In case of cancellation your personal data will be deleted immediately. Otherwise your data will be deleted if we have processed your request or the purpose of the storage is omitted. You can always inform yourself about the data stored about your person. Further information on data protection can be found in the privacy policy of this website.

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Your contact

Ingo Brühl
Head of Support

Ingo is here to help you with any questions and problems regarding Video Downloader Ultimate.


You can also just send us an email to our Support email address